2025.02.20 Biospace2025 - Biodiversity insight from space Global Wetland Center was represented at Biospace2025, with a successful workshop focusing on wetland biodiversity
Welcome to Sarah Franze 2025.02.20 New member of Global Wetland Center The Global Wetland Center is happy to welcome our newest PhD student Sarah Franze!
PhD and postdoc conference 2024 2024.12.04 Successful PhD and postdoc conference at IGN The Global Wetland Center was well represented at IGN's PhD and postdoc conference 2024.
Welcome to Navid Ahmadi 2024.08.22 New member of Global Wetland Center The Global Wetland Center is thrilled to welcome the newest member of the team, Navid Ahmadi!
Global Wetland Center 2024.05.06 In search of a very special plant We are in search of a very special plant that forms the entire basis of this landscape: red peat moss (Sphagnum medium). It belongs to the group of peat mosses that can shape an entire landscape.
Wetlands 2024.02.02 World Wetlands Day: Bogs hold an important key to the climate crisis Peat bogs store twice as much CO2 as all of the world's forests combined. A new research center at the University of Copenhagen will map Earth’s wetlands and provide important knowledge about the greenhouse gas budgets…