New member of Global Wetland Center
The Global Wetland Center is happy to welcome our newest PhD student Sarah Franze!

Sarah received her bachelors degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, where she was first introduced to earth observation satellites. She received her Master of Science, from The Technical University of Denmark in Earth and Space Physics and Engineering, where she focused primarily on the use of satellite data for monitoring inland water dynamics.
Her PhD will focus on the integration of physically based hydrologic models with earth observation data and machine learning for estimation of tropical wetland carbon fluxes. The project will explore ways to utilize data from satellites over tropical wetlands to simulate hydrologic parameters that are closely linked to carbon flux. In tandem, the project aims to investigate data-driven approaches to emulate complex hydrologic processes. She will explore options for an integrated modeling approach, where a physically based and data-driven surrogate model are combined to reduce computational cost and expand the model scale. In combination with the dense and widely available remote sensing datasets, we aim to build computationally efficient and scalable simulations of tropical wetland hydrology.