
The Global Wetland Center

The GWC is funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation, and is a collaboration between

International Collaborators

  • Professor Susan Page. School of Geology and the Environment. University of Leicester. England
  • Professor Catherine Lovelock FAA. School of Environment. The University of Queensland. Australia
  • Researcher Christine Delire. National Center for Meteorological Research. France
  • Senior lecturer Paul Miller. Lund University. Sweden
  • Postdoc Nitin Chaudhary. Lund University. Sweden
  • Professor Martin Herold. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Section 1.4. Germany


  • Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Agricultural Environment.
  • Climate AI Nordics is a network of researchers dedicated to developing and utilizing AI technologies to address the urgent global challenge of climate change. Our researchers focus on creating and promoting AI solutions that support both climate change mitigation and adaptation. We are in the middle of a climate emergency which is causing biodiversity loss, extreme weather events, and human suffering, and this necessitates a multifaceted approach involving both policy change, limitations on activities contributing to climate change, and strengthening social resilience against climate-related events.